
Kiyotaka Oshiyama’s animated films include Look Back (2024), based on the award-winning one-shot manga by Tatsuki Fujimoto published by Studio Durian. There are two children, named Fujino and Kyomoto, who become friends because of their love for drawing manga and who also grow emotionally as the story progresses.

Fujino, a bubbly and self-assured student, wins praise with her four-panel comic published in the school’s newsletter. But her life turns unexpectedly when her teacher makes her share an office with Kyomoto, an antisocial girl who draws exceptionally well and comes to school only occasionally. In the beginning, this attachment Instills a spirit of competition in Fujino, who is threatened by the artistic ability that Kyomoto possesses. This sense of jealousy however slowly transforms into respect, as the two young girls develop strong feelings for each other through the course of their painting addiction.

This is where the most moving transformation in the story takes place. The two families are at the core of the manga cover and covers competition, and in the process of competition they inspire each other, and each of them makes the other more and more strong. They both aspire to become professional manga artists creating their own works.Friendship, grief, and the sweetness and cruelty of courage are demonstrated in the film as they reach for their dreams and encounter times of their aspired occupation and times of heart breaks.

The story addresses the issues of the obsession with art and the consequences of one’s democracy promoting vision of the world. Tragedy compels Fujino to realise the ephemeral nature of humanity and how Kyomoto has shaped her career as an artist. Look Back is about the strength of the art that binds people together despite the burden of sadness and loss.

Cast & Crew:

The film was directed by Kiyotaka Oshiyama, who worked on Flip Flappers as well as Chainsaw Man’s designs, whose artistic and emotional vision translates the essence of Fujimoto’s story. Animation for this film was handled by a relatively new player Studio Durian, who has received quite a few positive reviews for the amazing graphics and detail work on this film.

Voicing the appreciation sociopath shorter ‘Yumi’ Fujino is Yumi Kawai, whereas Mizuki Yoshida does justice to Kyomoto. Together, they balance the vulnerability and strength of these two main characters. The progression of the characters is remarkably delineated in their brilliant interplay, from harsh confrontations to clashing battalions and then to a tender and pure union.

Kensuke Ushio has composed the music to the film, and the music highlights, the most emotional aspects of the movie and the development of key parts of the characters through minimal, but well-chosen pieces of music.

IMDb Ratings & Reception:

The critical response to Look Back both from critics and general viewers is top-tier. At present, the movement has a rating on IMDb, which can be explained by the successful work of visual and emotional components of the motion picture and harmony with the one-shot manga cherished by the audiences and drawn by Fujimoto itself.

Emphasis has been placed on the film’s steady pacing and the ability to express complex emotions and emotions in just 75 Minutes. The film received applause for remaining loyal to the essence of the original body of work done by Fujimoto while effectively promoting the emotions through proper motion picture direction and quality animation. Fans of the manga related to the movie are glad to see that the movie gets the depth of the relationship shared between Fujino and Kyomoto, and many call it the best anime in 2024.


Look Back, is a heartfelt narrative on humanity told through the eyes of two amateur manga artists. It stands out as an emotional masterpiece of 2024 in the featured films with warm plot development and stunning animation. It is a great movie, which can be appreciated by all regardless of whether they like anime or not, as it deals with such ideas as art, growth, friendship and grief & loss. Anyone who enjoys beautiful emotional, character oriented stories where art works for change, will find Look Back worthy of the time spent on watching it.

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