Porco Rosso is a legendary Japanese animated feature made in 1992 and written and directed by Hayao Miyazaki with Studio Ghibli’s production. The events set in the World War I and World War II eras are about Porco Rosso, an Italian bounty hunter who has been given a pig’s face, and are dedicated to concepts of the individual, redemption, and the aftermath of wars. As a result of recognition for its complicated plot, fantastic stylization and rich personalities, Porco Rosso is very well crafted by the director and it incorporates a mix of comedy and love wrapped in the political background all during the 1930’s aviation era.


Porco Rosso is set in the near sea in the 1930’s between the two world wars. In the film the viewer gets acquainted with Marco Pagot, an Italian pilot during the First World War, who is a world ace but also an anthropomorphic pig. His human aspect consigned himself to history when he became Porco Rossoort a bounty hunter; he captures those who plunder the air in exchange for money while in his red seaplane. Even during his lonely solitude living in an abandoned country Porco himself has close friends including Gina, a widow, a hotelier, and captivating airman’s singer working in the lounge bar.

Even though he appears to be a tough, cynical Porco cannot forget the times when he fought in the first world war and lost several friends, including Gina’s try husband. It’s this disillusionment that deepens his disregard for humanity, which in turn makes him accept being an outcast. During one battle, while cutting off a group of air pirates led by the clumsy singer Mamma aiuto, Porco met a very self-centered and ambitious young American, Curtis, who wanted to be a movie star. Curtis and porco locked horns in the skies, during the way porco’s aeroplane had lost and had to retreat and head towards milan for some repair works.

In Milan, however, Porco meets Fio Piccolo who is an aircraft designer and granddaughter of Mr. Piccolo who used to be a mechanic that repaired Porco’s aircrafts. While Porco doubts her capabilities because she is a young woman, his perception soon changes after seeing her commitment, talent, and feminism. Fio does manage to repair the airplane of porco and as they’re collaborating, Porco becomes animated by her optimism and perseverance.

Their bond becomes even more intimate as Fio accompanies him back to the Adriatic and, during this period, Porco tells about his life, which contributes to understanding the nature of the character and what were the reasons for his self-inflicted exile. But upon arrival Porco meets Curtis, who is head over heels for Fio and taunts Porco into a duel, the winner of which would get Fio’s hand and be proclaimed the best aviator in the Adriatic. Fio, on the other hand, offers herself as a chip in Curtis’s bet not because of Curtis but because she is willing to see how Porco would face his inner struggles.

During the last dogfight sequence, Porco and Curtis fight hilariously, as the two pilots pour all their strength into the battle which brings them and their aircraft to the verge of collapse. Both savage dogfighters engaged in a love-hate rivalry that degenerates into wrestling as the dogfighting quickly loses its appeal. In many ways, this one adds towards propounding the ideas of the ultimate duel between good and evil, only this time, it’s applied to a classical story that Miyazaki wants to satirize through his quest for futility and absurdity of war.

In the end, however, it is Porco who wins. The only feeling he has for Fio is appreciation, for he will not use her as a trophy. While it is never said directly, a phrase can be made that perhaps it was the affection of Gina and maybe the companionship of Fio that started to remove Porco’s curse. Nevertheless, he leaves alone once more.

Cast & Crew

Porco Rosso is a Japanese animated movie by Hayao Miyazaki, creator of Ghibli Studios, and one of the best–revered animators in Japan It was first developed as a promotional short for Japan Airlines, it was later turned and released as a feature length image, which combines his love for aviation as well as his thoughts about war and redemption.

Voice Cast:

Porco Rosso / Marco Pagot: The english voice cast includes Michael Keaton, with the Japanese character sustained by Shuuichirou Moriyama. Keaton is deadpan fitting while portraying the character’s sarcasm, as Moriyama embodies Porco’s disillusionment in the role with a gravely tone.

Fio Piccolo: Fio is frequently voiced by Akemi Okamura during Japanese dubbing, and Kimberly Williams-Paisley over the english. Constitutionally sprightly, brave, and compassionate, Fio introduces a healthy chagrin for Porco’s cynical outlook. Willamu has cast Akemi to play a vibrant youthful Fio while Williams-Paisley plays an older mature Fio character.

Curtis: In the English version, Cary Elwes takes up the voice of Curtis, while the character has been voiced by Akio Otsuka in the Japanese version. Curtis is an American competitor who is charming in personality but feels that he is superior compared to others. The Japanese actor gives a voice performance that makes Curtis a comical villain, while the English actor makes Curtis speak with a very rough accented overpowering certain words to make him seem arrogant.

Gina: While Tokiko Kato provides the Japanese voice over, Egan is in charge of the English version for the character. Kenneth is derived from a war and a subordinate who lost everything in it is portrayed as emotionally collected and wise. In this context, both actresses manage to embody the elegance of their character, each in their own way, as well as her inner strength and unfulfilled desire which makes her relationship with Porco all the more appealing.

Joe Hisaishi, the composer of the music, seems to adopt the Mediterranean style with his composition as it contains soft tuning that gives the impression of originating from Italy. The score of his contributes to the sentiments of the scene as it feels lighthearted and carefree but has a tinge of sadness that accentuates the scene portraying flying.

IMDb Ratings & Reception

Involvement of more focused viewers has helped remove the boredom in Porco Rosso as it now appears on ‘all time great’ in many IMDB lists as it carries an average of 7.7. Mixed audiences love the mature comedy, romance, and deep philosophical themes that this movie contains, not so focused on the younger kids only. Anti war theme and subtle emotional scarring of the protagonist are two good aspects of the movie that many critics as well as regular audiences loved.

The consideration to the warm recommendation of the film can be attributed largely to complex yet rich themes like forgiveness, monotony, and the constant sense of purposelessness that comes when one tends to work in wars and their outlook towards it! Unlike many animated movies focused on the quest to find the perfect good or evil, Porco Rosso has a protagonist in a hot chase who has his weaknesses, so there are different types of Anti hero concepts. Anti nationalism as well as anti fascism appear to be a flexible stance and critical eyes assembled on Porco who is also pretty much a soldier turned crazy.

Its reception has also been extremely well with many critics praising its graphics, mature themes and how Ghibli deftly blends personal with political aspects. Although some critics at the beginning found it hard to place the film within defined genre limits, arguing due to its original style and tone that it has grown to be recognized as an extraordinary film that surpasses any genre definition.


Porco Rosso is a work of art with great aerial action and solid character development which can be attributed to Myers perseverance in showcasing the beauty of flight while emphasizing on the implications of war. Ghibli’s countless works are memorable, however none are quite like Porco Rosso, with its rich setting, magnificent visuals as well as interesting characters. Throughout Porco’s adventures, the screen conveys the idea of accepting one’s past, overcoming inner struggles and the quest for balance in one’s life is what many people will relate to.

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