“The Imaginary” is the latest 2023 Japanese animated fantasy feature which has been directed by Yoshiyuki Momose and was produced by Studio Ponoc. As the film is based on a novel by A.F. Harrold published in the year 2014, it attempts to explore the relationship between a little girl and her imaginary friend with an emphasis on friendship, creativity, and the hardships that come with an age of growing up.


The story follows the plight of a little girl Amanda who is very spirited and full of imagination, and her imaginary friend Rudger. The two of them share countless escapades and explore marvelous worlds that provide escape from Amanda’s lonely world. But everything changes when Rudger gets lost from Amanda, and he discovers the Town of Imagiaries—where all never seen imaginary friends go. Here, Rudger learns that he is in danger of disappearing forever unless he finds Amanda. The narrative unfolds as Rudger goes around the world and meets other Imaginaries and learns the bitter truth about being overlooked.

Cast & Crew The main English voice cast includes Kokoro Terada as Rudger and Rio Suzuki as Amanda. Supporting voices include Sakura Ando, Riisa Naka, Takayuki Yamada, Atsuko Takahata, and Issey Ogata. The film was directed by Yoshiyuki Momose who is known for his works with Studio Ghibli and has gained considerable experience in making heartfelt animes. The screenplay has been written by Yoshiaki Nishimura who is the producer as well, which helps to achieve uniformity within the production. The music score composed by Kenji Tamai and Agehasprings adds a bounce to the film’s visuals and emotions. Visuals and Animation Studio Ponoc was founded by some staff who transferred from studio ghibli, as such it does not depart from handdrawn animation and the result is a great film. Childhood recollections of how the world worked with imaginary characters are filled with colors and bright moving objects are plentiful in animation. In parts, the Town of Imaginaries is effectively designed while melancholy is felt in generational aspects or time spent with imaginary friends. Character faces and surroundings have enough detail so that the audience never breaks out of the emotional arcs of the characters during animation.

Themes and Feelings

The imaginary looks deeper into the theme of childhood and how it is only but a phase that has to come to an end and give way to adulthood. The relationship between Amanda and Rudger embodies two facets that every child possesses, the imagination and innocence of children, while the journeys of Rudger through the Town of Imaginaries reflects the dread of being neglected. The picture touches upon the loss, recollecting negative emotions, and what remains of you imagination wise. It asks the audience to consider their younger selves and the pretend friends that would erase the feeling of loneliness. It is actually the other way, as the story is less tragic than it is demonstrated, mostly because of the music that accompanies almost every scene well accentuates the events experienced by the characters.

Critical ReceptionCritical AcceptanceCritics Opinion The view and the graphs attached show that the reception of the film was positive across the board, audiences were pleasantly surprised by “The Imaginary.” fans of Studio Ghibli have reason to be excited, the praise that “The Imaginary” is receiving will help contribute toward the legacy that Studio Ghibli has built, along with the many works they have done. There is bound to be many awards down the line for the film; it has that in itself. Even if children might not grasp all of them, as the themes are meant for mature audiences, it felt like a piece that did in relation to them. All of that cohesively culminates in an assembly of beautiful pieces where “The Imaginary” draws inspiration from seasoned artists within the industry, which is also thematic in this specific regard. “With an approval rating of over 91% on Rotten Tomatoes, the movie is worth the time and is expected to deliver,” says Brenner of We Got This Covered. Although there are some strong views on the opposite end, it’s fair to say that the film came through with a bang and has survived the expectations. More than anything, this film brought back memories that so many kids of all ages can still hold dear inside their hearts. “There is no doubt that “The Imaginary” is suitable for all ages, and I assume it will get watched regardless; therefore, I have commented on the film in this light.”

Despite being in line with the Ghibli brand of storytelling, it also attempts to pioneer new takes on children’s fantasy worlds. Many fans of anime have observed that, in the absence of new Ghibli movies, “The Imaginary” is quite a nice substitute for those looking for heartwarming stories and imagination in animation.



The film The Imaginary was launched in Japan on December 15, 2023, and it got worldwide release on Netflix on July 5, 2024. Its release on such a platform has helped the film receive a wide coverage and contributed to the encouraging reception and conversations among audiences around the world regarding the film.


The Imaginary complements the notion about the role animation can play in the depiction of great emotions and broad ideas. As it is beautifully illustrated, with the right story-telling and compassion, the film seeks from its audience to remember, relive the endless imagination of childhood, and the imaginary friends who probably all of us once had. It points out the fact how even if imagination is ephemeral, it can be quite powerful and formed bonds in the heads of the viewers are most likely everlasting.

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