“Steamboy,” directed by Katsuhiro Otomo, is a Japanese 2004 animated steampunk action movie film. It takes its spectators to the alternate history of England in Victorian age where steam technologies were the best. The story revolves around a boy named James Ray Steam hailing from Manchester who is an inventor almost like a steampunk James Bond and is caught in a fight for the ‘Steam Ball’ an energy emitting device of incredible potential.


The events take place in the 1860s. An American boy Ray Steam is living in Manchester and is a well known inventor. His life is forever changed when his grandfather, Dr. Lloyd Steam, sends Ray a mysterious package containing a most powerful device called Steam Ball – a device that can unleash vaporized water at tremendous pressure. invention This invention is sought after by two opposing sides, The Steam ball is the object of jealousy between two factions; O’Hara Foundation which is a business oriented faction intending to make the steam ball dependent weapons; and the inventor Robert Stephenson whose intentions are to create betterment for mankind using this device.

As Ray stresses throughout this hostile area, he meets his father: Dr. Edward “Eddy” Steam, who changed because of a failed experiment with the Steam Ball. Whereas Eddy imagines the Steam Ball perfect for introducing a bright new technological era, Lloyd warns of the consequences of unbridled scientific advancement. As Ray sits on the intersection between these two worlds, having no advantage in these quarrelling ideologies, he has to make choices that will shape the development of technology and humankind’s place in it.

Cast & Crew

Director Most of Katsuhiro Otomo’s of ‘Akira’ visionary storytelling can be found in ‘Steamboy’.

Voice Cast:

Anna Paquin as James Ray Steam (In English version): Paquin’s performance immerses us in how young Ray was eager to learn and at times embroils himself in moral conflicts.

Patrick Stewart as Dr. Lloyd Steam (In English version): Stewart’s performance of Ray’s grandfather also brings depth to the character as a wise, yet oozing caution.

Alfred Molina as Dr. Edward, ‘Eddy’ Steam (In English version): Molina portrays Eddy of the Steam family as an astute corporate man with grand aspirations.

Production Team:

Screenplay: Katsuhiro Otomo and Sadayuki Murai was able to bring a historical narrative integrated into futuristic technology to achieve an interesting steampunk genre.

Music: Steve Jablonsky’s score fittingly accompanies the image and enhances the dynamics of the film that immerse audiences in the action.

Animation: The film features almost 180000 working drawings and 440 cgs cuts with the participation of 2000 cgi artists and was produced by Sunrise. it shows the reunion of both classical and computer graphics techniques in one animation and traditional mechanical animation techniques flawlessly creating complex steampunk mechanisms.

Rotten Tomatoes shows that “Steamboy” scored about 66 which makes it generally accepted. The ambassadors have praised the film for its visuals and possessed contradictory feelings towards the story. Roger Ebert stated that this film is “`a loud and action filled go at the Victorian science fiction concept which fails completely” while adding that while the action sequences within the film are complex, they may not be very interesting in terms of concept.

On the contrary, Anime News Network focused on the plot instead. They wrote that “Steamboy” is a `masterpiece’ while stating that it contained elements of ideologies and criticisms while not being afraid to include and present plenty of action instead.

There is a scale of multiple widely differing opinions of audiences. Some obstacles made it hard for viewers to immerse themselves in this worlds activities, others supported and praised the movie for what it is.


In “Steamboy,” Katsuhiro Otomo shines with his directing while presenting a complete steampunk richly detailed world filled with questions regarding rapid and unbounded technological growth. Regardless of how different the assessments are for the effectiveness of its narrative there is no denying that everything is appealing about it an the films practically stunning animation with detail makes certain to keep it in the focus of attention when speaking of animated movies.

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